At the last quarterly meeting of the Economic Advisory Group, the customs authorities informed about the latest developments in the FOCBS, the status of the total revision of the customs law and the current status of Passar 1.0.
In Chiasso and Stabio, special fast lanes and transit lanes have been set up, which reduce the processing of the trucks to fractions of a second. If the driver registers the T-documents he is carrying using the ActivApp, there is no need to physically present the documents at the counter. After one month, 40% of the trucks are already being processed in this way. The new process already provides an initial impression of how Passar will be used in the future to automatically accept goods declarations at the border.
The FOCBS reconfirmed at the accompanying economic group that the existing and already communicated DaziT introduction and changeover dates will be adhered to.
- Passar 1.0 will be made available by the FOCBS from 1.6.2023.
- Until 10/31/2023, transit deletions can be registered in both the existing NCTS (Phase 4) and the new Passar transit (NCTS Phase 5).
- ZE Transit deletions (authorised consignee) must be declared in the existing NCTS appli¬ca¬tion by 9/30/2023 as before. On 1.10.2023, the FOCBS will switch to Passar and transit deletions must then be declared using Passar Transit.
- e-dec Export will be supported until 30.6.2024. A further extension is desired by associations and industry and is not fundamentally rejected by the FOCSBS. It is therefore very likely that there will be a further extension of support for e-dec Export during the course of the project.
- The onboarding will be started step by step at the beginning of 2023 and addresses in the first phase mainly those customs customers who use transit (NCTS).
The dispatch on the total revision of the new customs law was submitted to parliament by the Federal Council at the end of August. The Committee for Economic Affairs and Taxation is the first to deal with the bill. After a hearing in October, at which numerous business associations such as Spedlog-Swiss, SSC and EconomieSuisse were able to present their concerns, the bill was discussed again in November. The Committee for Economic Affairs and Taxation will resume the discussion in April 2023, as soon as the results of three further commissions are available. The bill is approved in principle, but the aim is to avoid higher costs than originally budgeted as a result of the total revision and reorganization of the FOCBS. The National Council will deal with the bill in the summer session of 2023 at the earliest. In the event of further delays, there is a risk that the launch of Passar 1.0 in mid-2023 will take place in a "right-wing-free" space or even that the launch of Passar 2.0 at the beginning of 2025 would be jeopardized.